
We are implementing enhancements to the My菠菜网lol正规平台 students interface, rolling out an enhanced user experience which will significantly improve the look and feel of the My菠菜网lol正规平台 webpages for both mobile and desktop experiences. 这些变化正在实施中 thanks to the feedback we have received from our campus community regarding the accessibility and functionality of My菠菜网lol正规平台, particularly on mobile devices.


For a brief overview of the Student Center redesign, please watch PeopleSoft在实践中的My菠菜网lol正规平台 video on YouTube.

For a brief overview of the Advisor Center redesign, please watch 顾问中心:简要介绍 video on YouTube.

The changes to the enhanced use experience include:

  1. 直接前往学生中心: On successful login, students are taken directly to the student center, as opposed 到点击登陆页面上的贴图. 学生中心将开放 to the students with a single click from any page using the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Clear access to Messages, Holds, To-Dos, and Other Indicators: There are 4 buttons at the top of the student center which provide navigation to 任何消息,保持,待办事项和其他指标. 消息、保留和待办事项是 also accessible to the students from any page in My菠菜网lol正规平台 using the top links in the 左侧导航菜单.
  3. Left Menu with direct links to most requested student functionality: Students will have easy access to most used functionality from any page in My菠菜网lol正规平台. The functionality on the left hand shortcut menu is grouped in folders for:
    • Academic Enrollment: Enrollment related functionality - (Class Search, Enrollment Dates, MyScheduler, Enrollment Shopping Cart, Add Classes, Drop Classes, Edit a Class, Swap Classes, My 课表、浏览课程目录)
    • Academic Records: Academic progress related functionality - (MyProgress, MyPlanner, MyDegree Tracker, My Course History, View What-If Report, View My Grades, View Unofficial Transcript, View Transfer Credit Report, View PDC Unofficial Transcript)
    • Finances: Financial Aid and Student Finances related functionality - (View Financial Aid, Accept/Decline Awards, Account Inquiry, Enroll in Payment Plan, View 1098T) The “Make a Payment” 直接链接是否指向左侧菜单的顶部.
    • Admissions: 入学状态信息
    • 个人信息: Your Demographic and Security Preference Information (Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Ethnicity, Emergency Contacts, FERPA Restrictions)
    • Alert 菠菜网lol正规平台: 管理您的安全警报相关的首选项
    • Other Items: Open University Enrollment and ALEKS Authorization
    • Logout: Exit My菠菜网lol正规平台 from any page using the red Logout link in the left menu or by clicking the red shutdown button icon at the top right corner.
  4. 为学生生命周期分层的中心部分: The center informational well of the student center is organized into sections that 展示学生生命周期细节:
    • Academics: Details of Registered class schedule, with a button for enrolling into classes. The section header has an expandable menu that can be accessed by clicking the ellipsis (3 dots) at the top right to access your key academic functionality
    • Finances: Details of Payment and Financial Aid related information.  section头有 an expandable menu that can be accessed by clicking the ellipsis (3 dots) at the top 有权访问您的主要财务功能
    • 个人信息: Details of your name, address, phone and email information. section头有 an expandable menu that can be accessed by clicking the ellipsis (3 dots) at the top right to access your key personal and security preference related functionality
  5. 导航罗盘维修: Access to the detailed navigational path has been maintained in the updated experience 通过单击相同的导航罗盘图标导航罗盘图标在右上角.
  6. 移动友好的浏览器访问: The enhanced user interface adapts to the form factor of your device, including mobile 手机和平板电脑等设备.
  7. 品牌和ATI合规性 - The updated interface leverages 菠菜网lol正规平台 branding and also improves accessibility compliance by providing alternatives to graphics and images to avoid limitations posed by visually conveyed information and improves compatibility with assistive technology including JAWS.


Desktop Experience

  1. Student Desktop View of Student Center on successful Login
    • MY菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Desktop View of Student Center on successful login.
  2. 学生桌面左侧导航菜单
    • 学生桌面左侧导航菜单
  3. 学生桌面左侧导航菜单: ( Personal information, Alert 菠菜网lol正规平台 and Other Items)
    • Student Desktop Left Navigation menu with Personal information, Alert 菠菜网lol正规平台 and Other Items.
  4. 学生桌面左侧导航菜单: (Expanded Center - Clicking the ellipsis (3 (点)在部分标题上)
    • MY菠菜网lol正规平台 UI视图-扩展中心.

Mobile Experience

  1. Student Mobile (Browser) View of Student Center on successful Login
    • MY菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Mobile (Browser) View of Student Center on successful Login
  2. 学生移动左侧导航菜单
    • MY菠菜网lol正规平台学生手机左侧导航菜单.
  3. 学生移动学术部分菜单
    • MY菠菜网lol正规平台移动学术部分.
    • My菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Mobile Academics Section Return Link



My菠菜网lol正规平台 Advisor搜索屏幕

Student Detail


Three Major Differences for Advisor Center from classic to UX

  • 菜单选项卡从侧边栏的顶部移到了右侧
  • 右侧栏移到顶部按钮
  • Other Academic Information is now in the "three dots" menu

My菠菜网lol正规平台 Advisor Center用户界面.

What do I do for issues encountered after the upgrade?

During the upgrade the 菠菜网lol正规平台 IT team will work closely with the Chancellor’s Office team and the campus administrative staff to validate and address any implementation issues. For any issues or questions after the upgrade, please call the IT Service Desk at (408) 924-1530 or submit a iSupport ticket by emailing the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Service Desk 服务isupport-service@uni-foodex.com with the details of the issue, including the screenshots 以及导航细节.


If you have any questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at (408) 924-1530 or by 电邮至上海大学服务台服务(isupport-service@uni-foodex.com) with the details of the issue, including the screenshots 以及导航细节.